10 Ingenious Ideas for Wall Mounted Bedroom Wall Lights


When it comes to bedroom lighting, wall mounted lights are a great choice for several reasons. They free up space on your nightstand, provide focused lighting for reading, and add a stylish touch to your decor. In this article, we’ll be exploring ten innovative ideas for wall mounted bedroom wall lights.

1. Adjustable Swing Arm Wall Lamps

One of the most popular choices for wall mounted bedroom lights is the adjustable swing arm wall lamp. These lamps have a long, adjustable arm that allows you to move the light in any direction. Many models also have a dimmer switch, which is perfect for creating a cozy ambiance.

2. Sconces with Shades

For a more traditional look, consider wall sconces with shades. These can add a touch of elegance to your bedroom while still providing plenty of light. Choose shades that complement your decor for a cohesive look.

3. Minimalistic Wall Lights

If you prefer a more modern look, go for a simple, minimalistic wall light. These lights often have a sleek, understated design that fits seamlessly into any contemporary decor.

4. Statement Wall Lights

On the other hand, if you want to make a bold statement, consider a wall light with a unique design or shape. This can add personality and visual interest to your bedroom.

5. Plug-In Wall Lights

If you’re not comfortable with hardwiring your wall lights, plug-in options are a great alternative. These lights simply plug into an outlet and can be easily moved or removed as needed.

6. Reading Lights

If you love to read in bed, a wall mounted reading light is a must-have. Look for models with an adjustable arm and a focused beam of light to make reading easier and more comfortable.

7. Picture Lights

If you have artwork on your bedroom walls, consider adding picture lights to highlight them. These lights are designed to be unobtrusive and can be adjusted to illuminate your artwork perfectly.

8. Recessed Wall Lights

If you’re short on space, recessed wall lights are a great option. These lights are installed directly into the wall and take up very little space. They’re also perfect for creating a subtle, diffused light that’s ideal for relaxing.

9. Color-Changing Wall Lights

For an added element of fun and whimsy, consider color-changing wall lights. These lights can be set to any color you want, allowing you to change the mood and atmosphere of your bedroom with the touch of a button.

10. Combination Night Light and Wall Light

Finally, if you’re someone who likes to keep a night light on at all times, consider a combination night light and wall light. These lights have a soft glow that’s perfect for nighttime use, but also provide additional focused light for reading or other activities.

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